Monteiroconus strauszi                  (Kovacs & Vician, 2023)

Monteiroconus subparvicaudatus   (Kovacs & Vician, 2014)



Monteiroconus strauszi                  (Kovacs & Vician, 2023)




Diagnosis(2) Monteiroconus species with moderately large shell, low spire, striate spire whorls, rounded shoulder, smooth body whorl, moderately deep, asymmetrically curved subsutural flexure, colour pattern of numerous spirals of subrectangular patches on the last whorl.


Description(2) Moderately large shell (max. SL 69). Low, conical spire, eroded protoconch, slightly convex and striate spire whorls. Rounded shoulder, maximum diameter slightly below the shoulder. Elongate, conical last whorl with weak concavity in the middle, widely spaced spiral cords on the lower half. Moderately narrow, anteriorly widening aperture. Moderately deep, asymmetrically curved subsutural flexure. The colour pattern is visible in normal light, it consists of broad and reddish flammulae on later spire whorls and shoulder, and approx. 20 spirals of reddish, subrectangular patches on the last whorl of adult specimens.


Remarks(2) Based on the revised diagnosis of Monteiroconus by Harzhauser & Landau (2016: 102) (moderately large to large, relatively solid shells, wide to moderately wide last whorl, low to almost fl at spire, generally striate spire whorls, medium deep to deep, moderately to strongly curved and moderately to strongly asymmetrical subsutural flexure), the new species is assigned to this genus. The size and morphology of Monteiroconus strauszi n. sp. are close to the holotype of M. parvicaudatus (Sacco 1893, pl. 3, fi g. 25, refigured by Ferrero Mortara et al. 1984, pl. 17, fig. 6) from the Middle Miocene of Italy, but the colour pattern clearly differs as parvicaudatus bears numerous densely spaced spirals of fine dashes. Monteiroconus hoernesi (Doderlein) is distinguishable in morphology by shorter shell, and smooth or weakly striate, canaliculated spire whorls (see Harzhauser & Landau 2016, pl. 26AC). Monteiroconus strauszi n. sp. is characterized by moderate intraspecific variability in the height of spire.


Type strata(2)    Lower Badenian (Middle Miocene) clayey sand (Lajta Limestone Formation).

Type locality(2) Letkés, W Börzsöny Mts, Hungary.

Other locality - Piedmont

Derivation of name(2) In honour of László Strausz, Hungarian palaeontologist (19011988).



Monteiroconus strauszi

Middle Miocene

Börzsöny (Hungary)


Fig. 28 : v. Fig. 75 - Conus subparvicaudatus (1), Holotype INV 2013.237 mm. 58 x 34

Fig. 29 : v. Fig. 74 - Conus subparvicaudatus (1), Holotype INV 2013.237 mm. 58 x 34

Fig. 30 : HNHM PAL 2023.3.1

Fig. 31 : HNHM PAL 2023.4.1

Fig. 32 : HNHM PAL 2023.4.1

Fig. 33 : v. Fig. 16 - Conus subparvicaudatus (2014), PCV.2018.08.01., Coll. Zoltán Vicián






Monteiroconus subparvicaudatus   (Kovacs & Vician, 2014)



L’articolo non mi sembra che sia mai stato pubblicato. Descrizione, caratteristiche e immagini provengono da un documento inviatomi personalmente da Vician:


Si tratta di una conchiglia abbastanza grande, con la spira bassa, le cui spirali sono striate; la spalla č arrotondata, con il corpo principale liscio. La curva subuturale č moderatamente profonda, asimmetricamente curva; la colorazione č formata da numerose spirali di macchie subrettangolari sull'ultima spirale.


Holotype:       INV 2013.247.. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, SL 58. (Kovacs & Vician 2014. figs 74-75. refigured here on Plate 2, figs 14-15).

Paratypes: 1: INV 2013.239., HNHM, SL26, (illustration: Kovacs &Vician 2014, fig. 76), 2: PCV.2018.08.01., Private Coll. Zoltan Vician, SI. 37, (Plate 2, figs 16-17).


Type strata: Lower Badenian (Middle Miocene) clayey sand(Leitha Limestone Formation).


Type locality: Letkets. W Borzsony Mts, Hungary.

Derivation of name: Reference to the similarity to Monteiroconus parvicaudatus (sacco. 1893).

Material: 72 specimens.


Diagnosis: Moderately large shell, low spire, striate spire whorls, rounded shoulder, smooth body whorl, moderately deep, asymmetrically curved subsutural flexure, color pattern of numerous spirals of subrectangular patches on the last whorl.


Description: Moderately large shell (SI. max. 69). Low, conical spire, eroded protoconch, slightly convex and striate spire whorls. Rounded shoulder, maximum diameter slightly below the shoulder. Elongate, conical last whorl with weak concavity in the middle, widely spaced spiral cords on the lower half. Moderately narrow, anteriorly widening aperture. Moderately deep, asymmetrically curved subsulural flexure. The color pattern is visible in normal light, it consists of broad and reddish flammulae on later spire whorls and shoulder, and approx. 20 spirals of reddish, subrectangular patches on the last whorl of adult specimens.


Remarks: Based on the revised diagnosis of genus Monteiroconus by hakzhauser & landau (2016: 102) (moderately large to large, relatively solid shells, wide to moderately wide last whorl, low to almost flat spire, generally striate spire whorls, medium deep to deep, moderately to strongly curved and moderately To strongly asymmetrical subsutural flexure) the new species is assigned to genus Monteiroconus. The size and morphology of M. subparvicaudatus n. sp. Is close to holotype of Monteiroconus parvicaudatus (Sacco, 1893, pl. 3 fig. 25, refigured by Ferrero Mortara et. Al. 1984, pl. 17, fig. 6) from the Middle Miocene of Italy, but the color pattern clearly differs as parvicaudatus bears numerous densely spaced spiral of fine dashes.

M. hornesi (Doderline, 1863) is distinguishable in morphology by shorter shell, and smooth or weakly striate, canaliculate spire whorls.


Asymmetrical subsutural flexure) the new species is assigned to genus Monteiroconus. The size and morphology of M. subparvicaudatus n. sp. is close to holotype of Monteiroconus parvicaudatus (Sacco, 1893, pl. 3 fig. 25, refigured by Ferrero Mortara et. Al. 1984, pl. 17, fig. 6) form the Middle Miocene of Italy, but the color pattern clearly differs as parvicaudatus bears numerous densely spaced spiral of fine dashes. M. hornesi (Doderline, 1863) is distinguishable in morphology by shortes shell, and smooth or weakly striate, canaliculate spire whorls.




Conus subparvicaudatus (1) – Conus strauszi

Holotype INV 2013.237

mm. 58 x 34


Conus parvicaudatus (Sacco, 1893)

Conus strauszi

Tav. III fig. 25



Conus subparvicaudatus - Conus strauszi







Conus subparvicaudatus - Conus strauszi


(Domenico Tropeano)





Conus subparvicaudatus - Conus strauszi

mm. 55,7 x 32,6

Miocene (Badeniano)

Letkes – Ungheria

[AZFC N. 531-01]

Conus subparvicaudatus- Conus strauszi

mm. 48,2 x 28,7

Miocene (Badeniano)

Letkes – Ungheria

[AZFC N. 531-02]





Conus subparvicaudatus (1)

Conus strauszi

INV 2013.237

mm. 58 x 34

Miocene (Badeniano)

Letkes – Ungheria

Conus subparvicaudatus

Conus strauszi

mm. 55,7 x 32,6

Miocene (Badeniano)

Letkes – Ungheria

[AZFC N. 531-01]

Conus subparvicaudatus

Conus strauszi

mm. 48,2 x 28,7

Miocene (Badeniano)

Letkes – Ungheria

[AZFC N. 531-02]




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