Conus (Leptoconus)  loxahatcheensis (Petuch, 1994)


Il Conus loxahatcheensis è considerato sinonimo del Conus cfr.largillierti.



Conus loxahatcheensis

Holotype UF 66428

mm. 49,7 x 24,6

Conus loxahatcheensis


Ancient Seas of Southern Florida 
The Geology and Paleontology of the Everglades Region


Edward J. Petuch , David P. Berschauer







[AZFC N. 218-00 ] – Conus loxahatcheensis  [ 38,2 x 20,7 mm. ] 

(PLEISTOCENE – Bermont formation)



Conus loxahatcheensis (1)

Holotype UF 66428

mm. 49,7 x 24,6

Conus loxahatcheensis

mm. 38,2 x 20,7

Pleistocene – Bermont formation

[AZFC N. 218-00]




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